Monday, April 9, 2012

Newsletter: Four Ways to Remove Sod

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Hello, Tim!

To turn part of your lawn into a garden bed, you first need to remove the grass.

Also in this eLetter, tips on designing a lawnless front yard, ways to enhance the garden experience with fragrant plants, herbs for tea, and a special treat from our sister site a selection of delicious recipes using fresh herbs.

    April 9, 2012
Remove sod Four Ways to Remove Sod

Dig, till, smother, or spray herbicide: When starting a new garden bed, the choice is yours.


Sunny borders Fragrant Plants Enhance a Garden

Place sweet-smelling plants where you can enjoy them throughout the growing season.


Lawnless front yard Create a Lawnless Front Yard

One gardener's bold solution for gaining garden space is to trade greensward for a yard of trees, shrubs, and perennials.


Backyard makeover

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