Monday, February 20, 2017

Distribution of stock options (empowr ownership)

Distribution of stock options (empowr ownership)
By Johnny Cash on February 20, 2017
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Distribution of stock options (ownership in empowr)


Hello everyone,

As you know, empowr is still an early stage (alpha) project, given the enormous complexity of building and integrating into each other all the essential elements of a broad-reaching economy simultaneously.

By “elements” I mean the systems for social networking, communication and content management, advertising, marketplace and auction, banking and micropayment, educational and political systems.


Alpha stages come with many difficulties

Alpha stage products and companies are fraught with risk, challenges, issues and missing features.

That’s why it’s called “alpha” stage, as opposed to the “beta” stage where the company believes its product is almost ready for mass consumption.


Question:  Do you know what attracts highly talented employees to alpha stage technology companies…

…. when they could easily get jobs at the most successful and well-known technology companies that, due to their later stage, have less risk or difficulties to contend with?


Answer:  Ownership of the company (stock options)….

… which is how their company rewards them for taking the risks and dealing with all the issues. 

Stock options represent a chance for an individual to (very literally) earn millions of dollars, like so many thousands of employees at various tech start-ups have already experienced -- if their company succeeds at its long-term goals.


In empowr, employees aren’t the only ones taking risks and working hard

Many empowr citizens and success coaches have worked just as hard as employees, for as long (months or even years) for the success of empowr.

Tragically, however, non-employees of empowr have been blocked from receiving stock options in empowr -- by the laws of the United States (the 500 shareholder rule).


The good news I reported recently

As reported just a few months ago, empowr’s attorneys believe they have found a way to ensure empowr’s citizens can benefit from stock options too without violating United States law.


It is possible for real wealth (millions of dollars) to be made from empowr’s stock options if together we succeed

It is my opinion that empowr has great chances for massive success…

… thanks in large part to the strength of its community…

 and that, as a result of that success, some empowr citizens could likely end up very, very wealthy.


Specifically, I’m stating that it is my opinion that more of the people that generate huge wealth - as in millions of dollars - from empowr…

 assuming empowr succeeds and there ends up being such people…

… will have accomplished that via its stock options.

Legal disclosure:

To be clear, this is just one person’s opinion (or dream, might be a better term) and comes with no guarantees of anything, including that stock options can or will be distributed, or that empowr or its shares will end up being worth anything. Please re-read my disclosures to understand some of the details of what’s being said and/or promised).


Which citizens deserve the lion’s share of stock options?

Given that, if empowr’s success continues, it’s shares could be worth many billions of dollars…

… the decision as to which citizens get the biggest share of ownership is an important one.


In other words, if or when the time comes for stock option distribution…

… how will we go about figuring who gets how much, in terms of the stock option opportunity?


A new badge at the top right of every citizen’s profile:                           Distribution of stock options (empowr ownership)


That is there to help citizens know, relative to others, how much potential ownership in empowr they have earned.


Here’s how it works:

1.  The number in the middle shows the total number of All-time Daily Goals they have ever hit in empowr:

               Distribution of stock options (empowr ownership)

As you can see from the above, Dez hit her Daily Goals 115 times.

2.  The loop around the number gets filled in with blue when those Daily Goals generate results – meaning her listings were actually provided to customers:   
              Distribution of stock options (empowr ownership)


As you can see from the above, the loop around Dez’s number is 75% filled.

That means that 75% of her Daily Goals resulted in actual results – where a customer was provided a product or service.


Specifically, Dez has provided 75% times 115 = 86 products or services to customers.

Use your computer’s mouse to roll over Dez’s loop to see that information already calculated for you:                                                               Distribution of stock options (empowr ownership)    


If Dez had provided 115 (or more) products or services to customers, 100% of the loop would have been filled out.


How does this relate to stock options?

Multiply the number of products and services sold…

… in Dez’s case 86…

…. times the number of Daily Goals hit…

… in Dez’s case, 115…

…. to arrive at a final score.

… In Dez’s case:  86 * 115 = 9,890


That score suggests Dez’s relative number of stock options that will be provided to her -- relative to everyone else.


Another example:

In the following, notice that Roshan has hit his Daily Goals 128 times:

               Distribution of stock options (empowr ownership)


But notice that only 3% of his loop is filled…

… which means that he’s had 4 products or services marked as Item Received by his customers.

Roshan’s score is 128 * 4 = 512


Can you notice the difference?

Even though Dez actually hit 13 LESS Daily Goals than Roshan did…

… her score (9,890) was nearly 20 TIMES LARGER than Roshan’s score (512).

That means that, all else being equal, it is reasonable to expect that Dez will receive 20 times the amount of stock options that Roshan will…

… if or when empowr succeeds and is distributing stock options.


Roshan would be well-advised to massively increase his position by just getting a few more sales marked as Item Received. 

For example, if he gets just 12 more of his (current 128) sales to be “Item Received” by his customers – his score will rise 4-fold…. to 2048.


Note:  There will be other ways to earn an even higher score…

… such as being a high-performing success coach…

…. as well as other roles that will be announced soon.


If I were you, I would focus on driving up:

1.  The number of Daily Goals hit, and

2.  The number of ($5 or more) products and services that are marked as “Item Received” by your customers.


When your friends ask how to receive larger AMCO cash outs

And finally, when someone asks you what they can do to increase the size of their AMCO cash out – the very first thing you can check is this new badge at the top of their profile:

A.   If they’re not hitting very many Daily Goals, well, there you go:

That means that they are not building a network of motivated people that are ready to help them earn and cash out.

Just like in everyday life, if they’re not helping others (by closing loops – empowr makes this very easy for them) then of course less people will be there for them too.


B.   If they ARE hitting Daily Goals but no one is buying the things they are listing:

Well, then, of course they should expect over time that their cash outs will get smaller and smaller…

… as the empowr system starts to conclude that the cash it has been giving them to encourage them, is being wasted, and instead should be redirected to those that are actually getting results.

Results = a product has been successfully provided to a customer.


Does this make sense?

When you hit Daily Goals, you’re building your network (a process that the customers of Facebook, Twitter and Google pay billions to those companies for the privilege to do). 

On empowr, it’s the other way around: empowr actually pays you to build your network, in order to handhold and encourage you to become a productive member of the economy.

But at some point, if the things you list aren’t selling…

… or the network you’re building isn’t working for you…

… it becomes time for you (and the compensation algorithms) to ask Why? 

The point of closing loops and listing things is for you to build a motivated network and achieve sales – which means provide a customer with something they’re willing to pay for.



When your friends ask for advice, tell them that to maximize their stock option potential AND their accelerated (AMCO) cash outs…

… they should hit their Daily Goals and – very important – provide something to their customers that they will appreciate.

The new badge at the top right of their profile is your guide to how they’re doing with those two things.


A big thank you

…. for your continued belief in empowr, its mission, and all the citizens working hard to make this project a success…

… and for forgiving us for all the short-comings that everyone is working to overcome.


Any questions? We’re here for you.


In the next post, I'll have a big ask... a big request for something from you... 

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