Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Give our Girls the Wings to Fly

Dear Friend,
Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world. Even today, for millions of women in India, becoming truly independent and fulfilling their ambitions and aspirations is an unceasing battle.
Rani* is a young girl, born and brought up in the slums of Kolkata. She led a very unfruitful life trapped in poverty where there was a lack of even basic facilities. It was only in 2013 that she, with the help of Save the Children, successfully completed training in "Ladies Tailoring" at the Calcutta Youth Self Employment Center. She now has the desire and means to lead a dignified life as she is a skilled professional now who can earn a decent living for herself. She now earns by repairing, stitching and altering clothes for women and leads her life independently on her own.
There are millions of other young girls and women who need our support to pull them out of poverty and help them battle lack of opportunities.
Your precious support and a one-time donation of INR 1500 can help bring a positive change in society by empowering and improving the situation girls like Rani.
Empower women, Empower a generation
Yes, i’m interested in empowering girls in India
Save the Children
*Name changed to protect the identity of the child

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