Friday, January 19, 2024

McCaul: Biden ‘Projects Weakness’ in Mideast; Glenn Beck: Haley ‘Delusional’; Fani Willis on the Ropes


Breaking News from

House Foreign Affairs Chair McCaul to Newsmax: Biden Like Chamberlain With Hitler in '30s

Special: Calling All Conservatives: 'Disturbing' Book You Must Read

DA Fani Willis Seeking to Quash Subpoena in Divorce Case

Glenn Beck to Newsmax: Haley 'Delusional' to Think She Can Win

Platinum: Space Station 'Vulnerable' if US-Russia Conflict Escalates

Calling All Conservatives: 'Disturbing' Book You Must Read

In a world filled with uncertainty and rapid change, there's one voice that has consistently raised the alarm against the forces of radicalism and division.

David Horowitz, a New York Times bestselling author and renowned cultural commentator, has penned a masterpiece that is both a stark warning and a call to arms for every concerned American: The Radical Mind.

With the 2024 presidential election this November, we as a nation will be facing the most pivotal election our country has ever seen.

Never has so much been at stake.

Joe Biden is pushing his socialized agenda, actively undoing all the good President Trump did.

All while President Trump faces indictment after indictment as the left attempts to "punish" him for his love of America.

Now is the time Americans need to make their voices heard and take charge of the direction our country is heading in.

Are you concerned about the direction our nation is headed?

Do you worry about the erosion of our cherished values, the decay of our institutions, and the divisive ideologies tearing our society apart?

If so, then The Radical Mind is a book that you simply cannot afford to miss.

Unveiling the Hidden Agendas

In this gripping exposé, David Horowitz pulls back the curtain on the secrecy and lies that shroud the dangerous methods and agendas of the radical left.

With unflinching honesty and unwavering dedication to truth, he identifies the existential crisis facing our nation as a crisis of faith — faith in the core principles that have defined the American way of life for centuries.

At the heart of this crisis is our faith in the Constitution, individual freedom, accountability, and the principle of equality before the law.

These values have been the bedrock of our society, guiding us through countless challenges and triumphs. Yet, they are under attack like never before.

The Urgent Call to Action

The Radical Mind is not just a book; it's a powerful call to action. It's a call to defend our families against the intrusion of outside forces that seek to manipulate the hearts and minds of our children for destructive agendas.

It's a call to stand up against the debasement of Judeo-Christian values and the silencing of Christian communities and voices, all in the name of political control.

This book challenges the progressive narrative that falsely labels America as a racist country and reveals the existential threat to American democracy posed by a Democratic Party that has abandoned dialogue, compromise, and bipartisanship.

Renewal and Redemption

But The Radical Mind doesn't just expose the problems; it offers solutions.

It beckons us to renew our faith in the Constitution and in individual freedom. It invites us to engage in a constructive dialogue about the future of our great nation, free from the constant stream of hate and division.

As David Horowitz writes, "The hour is late, and the forces of darkness are upon us. To save our freedoms, Americans must renew their faith in their country, relearn its history, reacquaint themselves with the wisdom of the founders, and reject the siren songs of the envious, the resentful, and the haters of human diversity who have malice in their hearts."

America is at a crossroads, and the choices we make today will shape the future for generations to come. The Radical Mind is your guide to understanding the challenges we face and the steps we can take to safeguard our values and freedoms.

Claim your FREE copy of The Radical Mind when you start or renew your subscription to Newsmax Magazine.

Join us in this crucial fight to preserve the American dream, protect our democracy, and uphold the principles that make our nation truly exceptional.

Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can protect the American way of life.

Claim your copy of The Radical Mind today and be part of the solution.

Yours for America,


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