Friday, February 2, 2024

Don Jr.: Haley Does Dems’ Bidding; UK Minister Warns on Russia; Bud Light Reverses on Woke


Breaking News from

Donald Trump Jr. to Newsmax: Haley Does Bidding of Dems, Establishment

UK Defense Minister: West Cannot Let Russia Win in Ukraine

Special: Unmasking Biden's Dark Money Secrets

Saudis: Palestinian State 'Commitment' by Israel Can Bring Peace

Bud Light Has New, Anti-Woke Spokesman: Comic Shane Gillis

Platinum: Hundreds With Terror Ties Nabbed at 'Vulnerable' US Border

Unmasking Biden's Dark Money Secrets

Dear Reader,

Buckle up, friend . . . 

As what you're about to see could destroy the trust and integrity of the American presidency as we know it.

In fact — it could not only change the face of the American political system — but could create a paradigm shift in our nation as well.

What you're about to see could be the most corrupt and intricate plan to leverage influence and power for personal gain . . . 

And it was perpetrated by one of the most embedded members of the Deep State — Joe Biden.

In his latest book, CORRUPT: The Inside Story of Biden's Dark Money, Dick Morris will reveal a gigantic web of corruption, espionage, and influence that challenges our nation's political core.

Over the past five decades in DC, Dick Morris has made powerful connections in the political world . . . 

And when he was presented with the evidence that Joe Biden and his family worked tirelessly to barter America's future for personal gain — he was surprised . . . but not shocked.

From Chinese communists to Russian oligarchs and corrupt Ukrainian gas businesses — the first family's corruption spans continents . . . 

And with the 2024 election approaching fast — the stakes have never been higher.

It's time to protect America's future from these corrupt individuals — don't miss your chance to unmask Biden's dark money secrets.

Click here to secure your copy of CORRUPT today.


Your Friends at Newsmax

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