Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Trump Wants Taiwan to Pay Up; Biden’s ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ WH; US ‘Spiraling Out of Control’

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Trump: Taiwan Should Pay US for Defense

Special: IRS Is Closing In. Tax Network USA Defends Against Aggressive Tactics. Trump Jr. on Debts, Audits, Returns.

Reuters Poll: 80% Say US 'Spiraling Out of Control'

DeSantis: We Can't Afford 'Weekend at Bernie's' Presidency




In an unprecedented move, the IRS is ramping up efforts to collect $851 billion in overdue taxes, backed by the new Inflation Reduction Act. With billions in increased funding, the IRS is poised for aggressive enforcement, putting millions of Americans at risk of severe financial consequences.

The threat of frozen bank accounts, wage garnishments, and property liens is real. The IRS's relentless pursuit could impact anyone with outstanding tax issues. But there's hope.

Donald Trump Jr. raises concerns about this aggressive approach, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and proactive.

=> Learn how Tax Network USA can assist you in resolving your tax debt and unfiled returns effectively

It's important to recognize that IRS problems don't just disappear. Proactive steps taken now with the support of Tax Network USA can shield you from further financial difficulties. Stay alert and proactive.

Click here for more information about Tax Network USA

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