Monday, April 4, 2011

Newsletter: 8 Shrubs That Really Earn Their Keep

Hello, Tim!

When you purchase plants, you want a long-term return on your investment, and the right shrubs can provide multi-season impact without all the work that perennials entail.

Bare-root trees ordered from faraway nurseries need TLC to survive and thrive. Learn what to do to ease the transition from carton to garden.

Have torrential downpours put a damper on your spring gardening? Turn all that water to an asset by building a rain barrel to collect the runoff.

    April 4, 2011
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Only shrubsThe Only Shrubs You Need to Grow

Renowned garden designer Lynden Miller recommends eight low-maintenance, high-impact plants.


Rain barrelBuild a Rain Barrel

For a fraction of the cost of a store-bought rain barrel, you can build your own from home-center materials.

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Planting bare-root treesHow to Plant Bare-Root Trees

With mail-order bare-root trees, proper care of the nursery stock on arrival, appropriate siting, and careful planting are essential to success.



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