Saturday, December 15, 2012

New Harris Poll Online Survey

Check out our Newest Surveys!


We have a new survey opportunity available for you, but it's going to be a little different. This one is being hosted by one of our research partners instead of Harris Interactive, but don't worry - you'll still earn HIPoints for participating.

As usual, we'll ask you a few preliminary questions to help us determine if this survey is best suited for you.� Here's what's different: If it is a good survey for you, then you'll be redirected to our partner's site to take the survey.� When you finish the survey, you'll be redirected back to the Harris Online Panel, so that we can register your participation and award your HIpoints.

If our partner's opportunity is not a good survey for you, we will ask you a few more preliminary questions in an attempt to locate a different, Harris-hosted survey for you to participate in. As always, we'll let you know the expected survey length and rewards opportunities for completing.

We don't want to hold you up any longer, your next survey may only be a click away! Click on the button below to find out:

If the button fails to launch the survey please copy and paste the link below into the address bar of your browser:

*And don't forget, after you've completed a survey, please be sure to log into the Member Site to see the rewards that you have earned.

For survey comments and concerns, contact the: Survey Help Desk

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