Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Zuckerberg Admits Biden Censorship; ‘Odd’ Trump Shooter Evidence; Anti-Woke Backlash Ramps Up

Breaking News from Newsmax.com

Breaking News from Newsmax.com

Meta's Zuckerberg Admits Biden Censorship Pressure, Regrets Caving

Special: RFK Jr.'s Bombshell: Could This Upend the '24 Election?

Countersniper: Handling of Trump Would-Be Assassin Evidence 'Odd'

Platinum: Anti-Woke Backlash Is Just Getting Started

Health: Noisy Neighborhoods Raise Heart Attack Risk




Dear Reader,
RFK, Jr. has exited the race, blaming relentless "censorship and media control."

And if he's right about what's really going on  – it doesn't matter who wins in November—this senior crisis will impact retired Americans in 2024 and beyond.

And it could mean over 53,000 senior citizens are dead by Election Day...

It's urgent that you click here and watch now to help spread the word.

Kelly Sullivan
Director of Membership Benefits
Health Sciences Institute

P.S. Tucker Carlson recently said RFK, Jr. is turning into "a legitimate folk hero"… which could explain why the mainstream media won't cover this bombshell. We'll explain it all here.

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