Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mideast Turmoil Bruises Harris; Lebanon’s Deadliest Day; Gold Hits New High

Breaking News from Newsmax.com

Breaking News from Newsmax.com

Dems Concerned Middle East Escalation Costing Harris Votes

Special: Get An 8-Day Election Prayer Guide

IDF Strikes Kill 492 in Lebanon's Deadliest Day Since '06

Gold at All-Time High on US Rate Cuts, Mideast Risks




Get Your Digital Election Guide

The coming election may be the most important we've ever seen. A progressive agenda is trying to destroy the core values that have guided our nation for centuries—and what's decided in November will affect our families for generations to come.

With so much at stake, we simply cannot afford to sit on the sidelines. We must act with our prayers, our voices, and our votes to protect our families and uphold our right to develop and train our children.

As a wife and mother, Cissie Graham Lynch—daughter of Franklin Graham—shares truth from God's Word in this eight-day election prayer guide, to help equip you to make thoughtful, prayerful—and Scriptural—decisions as you head to the polls.

Education, gender ideology, sanctity of life, religious freedom, the family structure, immigration, and the economy aren't just political topics—they are Biblical issues. "While God can work through good and bad governments, I believe we have a clear responsibility as Christians to do everything we can to place godly leaders—or those with views friendly to our Christian faith—in power," says Lynch.

It's time to take a stand for our families at the ballot box. Together, we can make a difference, and not just for our country, but for God's kingdom.

We hope you'll also share it with your friends. It's up to each of us to research the candidates and issues, pray fervently, and exercise our privilege to vote.

Thank you for your heart for your family and your faith in Jesus Christ.
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"
—Isaiah 5:20, ESV

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201

©2024 BGEA

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