Saturday, June 29, 2024

8 Household Items That Will Keep Mosquitoes Away

Nothing ruins a backyard barbecue like the smell of mosquito repellant wafting through the air, not to mention itchy, swollen bug bites.

June 29, 2024

8 Household Items That Will Keep Mosquitoes Away
Nothing ruins a backyard barbecue like the smell of mosquito repellant wafting through the air, not to mention itchy, swollen bug bites. Fortunately, some household items can work double-duty as a mosquito repellant and are surprisingly effective. Here are some fast, simple, realistic ways to create homemade mosquito repellents using items you might already have.
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Why You Always Wake Up at 3 A.M. — and How to Stop
There's nothing like crawling into bed at the end of a long day to get some well-deserved zzz's. But what happens when, hours later, when you still can't fall asleep? Whether you find yourself tossing and turning at odd hours of the night or helplessly lying wide awake at 3 a.m., poor sleep patterns are an issue for many people. While there isn't a one-size-fits-all reason why many of us wake up in the middle of the night, the stress hormone cortisol is a significant contributor.
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It's Potentially Illegal to Throw Away These 7 Things
The average American produces roughly 5 pounds of garbage daily, which adds up to nearly 1 ton of trash annually. With so much waste, many items can unfortunately be disposed of improperly — or illegally. Depending on where you live, you may find yourself on the wrong side of the law for compromising the community's and environment's safety, resulting in hefty fines and other legal repercussions. Avoid this problem by excluding these items from your trash.
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7 Things You Should Never Store Under the Kitchen Sink
Storage space is a valuable resource in a jam-packed kitchen. Appliances, dishes, and cleaning supplies take up a lot of room, often leading to us cramming items into every available cabinet to keep things tidy. But there is one place you should avoid treating like extra storage: under your kitchen sink. This cabinet is home to potential leaky pipes and plumbing, exposing items to water damage.
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8 Herbs That Anyone Can Grow
If you love fresh herbs but hate the grocery store markup — or how quickly they seem to wilt in the refrigerator — you should consider planting your own. Many of the most commonly used herbs are easy to grow in windowsill pots, patio containers, or a backyard garden with little work and a huge flavor payout. These eight easy-care herbs are great options for gardeners of all experience levels.
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