Thursday, June 27, 2024

People Who Live the Longest Swear by These 9 Rules

We've been told all our lives that doing certain things will help us live longer. Eat plenty of vegetables. Avoid sugar. Drink lots of water. Exercise regularly.

June 27, 2024

People Who Live the Longest Swear by These 9 Rules
We've been told all our lives that doing certain things will help us live longer. Eat plenty of vegetables. Avoid sugar. Drink lots of water. Exercise regularly. We can hear our mother's voice right now. These habits are definitely more helpful than harmful, and longevity expert Dan Buettner agrees — kinda. He examined the regions with the longest-living populations in the world, where residents are 10 times more likely to reach the age of 100. Buettner discovered nine common characteristics in these "Blue Zones."
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8 Ways to Make Money While Barely Lifting a Finger
You've got just enough money in your bank account to last until Friday … but then Monday rolls around, and you're in the same situation — again. Food. Bills. Rent. Gas. They dry up every bit of your take-home pay. But it doesn't have to be this hard. With a few smart moves, you could supplement your income — without doing much extra "work."
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Today's Best Deals
At Better Report, we work hard to deliver practical tips, helpful tricks, easy-to-follow hacks, and time-saving shortcuts that make life at home (and outside it) a little smoother. Now, we want to offer up more than insights and our know-how. Better Deals is all about our favorite products at discounted prices.
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