Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Can You Take Too Many Vitamins?

Taking supplemental vitamins is an essential part of so many people's daily routine, but this begs the question — can you consume too many vitamins? If you're one of the many people taking daily vitamins for nutritional deficiencies, then it's worth being aware of which vitamins may cause complications if you consume too much.

June 25, 2024

Can You Take Too Many Vitamins?
Taking supplemental vitamins is an essential part of so many people's daily routine, but this begs the question — can you consume too many vitamins? If you're one of the many people taking daily vitamins for nutritional deficiencies, then it's worth being aware of which vitamins may cause complications if you consume too much.
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Why You Should Never Let Your Phone Die
It's happened to all of us: Right in the middle of composing an email, updating social media, or video-calling friends, a low-battery notification pops up, sending you scrambling for the nearest charger. Smartphones have quickly become one of the most indispensable tools in our everyday lives, making it critical to keep your battery up and ready to go. However, how often you actually need to charge your phone is highly debated. Should you wait until your battery is almost dead to charge your phone? Should it always be charged to 100%? Is it bad to leave your phone plugged in overnight? Here's a quick guide to understanding how your phone battery works, and how to keep it charged and in tip-top shape.
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Is Sparkling Water Worse for You Than Still Water?
Sparkling water has become increasingly popular in recent years. And with good reason. A bit of fizziness — often with a hint of fruit-infused flavor — can help liven the otherwise boring task of hydrating. However, water purists often find that bubbles are a silly affectation, and some even insist that H2O's carbonated counterpart is not as good for you as still water.
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Can You Really Smell Fear?
Have you ever heard the phrase that you can smell fear? While this may seem like a colloquial phrase or an exaggeration, science shows that there is, in fact, a connection between fear and scent. This intersection of the psychological and the physiological is something that most of us — unconsciously — experience every day, and researchers have gotten a lot closer to finding an answer as to how — and why — this phenomenon occurs.
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Are You a Rude Tipper?
From restaurants to hair salons, tipping is an essential part of American society that is here to stay. Most of us are accustomed to adding a percentage onto our restaurant bills or slipping a few dollars to the valet, but sometimes it's trickier than you'd imagine. It's important to know how much to tip so that service employees are paid what they are owed and given financial acknowledgment for a job well done.
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