Tuesday, September 24, 2024

VIP Email #2: Why invest in commodities?

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Fellow Investor,

Hello.  Jim Woods here again.

We’re only two days away from the launch of my brand-new service, Crypto & Commodities Trader this Thursday, September 26.

And today I’d like to talk about another “freedom multiplier” investment that we will be highlighting:  commodities.

By commodities I mean agricultural and industrial products such as gold, silver, copper, lithium, oil, natural gas, aluminum, zinc, copper, corn, wheat, soybeans, sugar and so on.

These are the basic raw materials we need to live.

Yet I understand investing in commodities can sound scary.  

Many associate commodities investing only with futures. That’s wrong. 

Futures are derivative contracts in which a purchaser agrees to buy or sell a specific quantity of a physical commodity at a specified price on a particular date in the future.

And as many people know, the problem with futures is that, while the gains can be substantial, traders can also face theoretically infinite downside risk.  

As a result, futures investing is not usually suitable for the average investor.

However, there is more than one way to skin a cat… and commodities investing has seen a revolution in recent years.

There are now ways to invest in commodities without the huge risks associated with futures – through ETFs, stocks and even options.

As with cryptocurrencies, there is a lot of volatility in commodities, yet the overall performance can be worth it.  

Over the past five years, select commodities ETFs have seen genuinely impressive gains.

For example, one copper ETF I follow has posted an average annualized return of 21.39% over the past five years. 

And that’s just the average.  

Some years it’s seen gains of 50%, even 70% or more.
Investing in commodity ETFs specifically can offer several other advantages.

They include…
  • Diversification:  Commodity ETFs provide exposure to a range of commodities, helping to diversify an investment portfolio.
  • Ease of access:  These ETFs make it simple for individual investors to gain exposure to commodities without the need to invest in futures.  They can be bought and sold on stock exchanges just like regular stocks.
  • Lower costs:  Compared to actively managed funds, many commodity ETFs have lower expense ratios.
  • Liquidity:  Commodity ETFs are typically more liquid than directly owning physical commodities, such as gold, allowing for easier buying and selling.
However, an important point to note is that these are NOT “buy and forget” type of investments.  For the best results, they need to be monitored – yet I believe the returns are worth it.

And that’s why I have created the Crypto & Commodities Trader – to help regular investors get in and out of these top-performing cryptocurrency and commodities investments with consistent gains.

I believe “freedom multiplier” investments such as these can play a major role in delivering outsized investment performance, even in a time when stocks may underperform.  

In other words, alternative investment classes such as cryptocurrencies and commodities could provide the “boost” many portfolios can use to reach specific investment goals.

In my next emails, I’d like to explain why Crypto & Commodities Trader is a quick and easy way to get started in what I believe are some very exciting asset classes for the years to come.

Yours for greater profits,
Jim Woods
Jim Woods
Editor, Crypto & Commodities Trader
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