Saturday, September 28, 2024

Dr. Crandall: Fasting Helps Your Heart

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According to a new Centers for Disease Control Prevention report, the obesity rate in the U.S. is now about 40%, and nearly one in 10 surveyed reported being severely obese.

Now, new research finds that intermittent fasting (IF) can help you lose weight and reduces risk for heart disease and diabetes.

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"The body was born to eat less, not more," says Chauncey Crandall, M.D., world-renowned cardiologist and director of preventive medicine at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida.

"Intermittent fasting is an effective method where you can shorten your eating cycle over a period of six to 10 hours, and this will set up a better biorhythm for the body and you will lose weight. You will control blood sugar and you'll reduce the incidence of heart disease. And you will live a longer life," explains Crandall, New York Times bestselling author including his most recent book, The Simple Heart Cure Diet & Meal Plan.

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Crandall recommends restricting eating to between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. or even a shorter window of 6 hours ─ between noon and 6 p.m. ─ if you can.

"The body is meant to eat less in a shorter period of time. And if everyone would start that program of what we call intermittent fasting, fasting, or restricted diet intake, you'll be much better and you'll get to that goal of 100 years in your life," according to Crandall, editor of the popular "Dr. Crandall's Heart Health Report" newsletter.

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In addition to adhering to intermittent fasting, Crandall recommends simple lifestyle changes that promote weight loss, heart health, better blood sugar control, and longevity. These include walking one hour a day, five days a week and lifting weights three times a week, which will build endurance and strength. Also important is getting eight hours of sleep. And to reduce stress, set aside a time to be quiet every day.

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