Wednesday, May 27, 2009

5/28 Google Chrome Releases

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Google Chrome Releases Feed My Inbox

Dev Channel Release
May 27, 2009 at 7:37 pm

[Edits: Google chrome now supports the video tag. Also adding a note about the known issue with small fonts. --mal, 27 May 2009]

Google Chrome has been released to the Dev channel.

Highlights for this release:
  • Google Chrome now supports the video tag.
  • --auto-spell-correct flag will fix common typos like "teh" for "the" in the blink of an eye.
  • Various bits of UI clean-up (toolbar and dangerous download bar paint issues).
  • Multiple crash fixes.
Known Issue:
  • The font in the browser's user interface is very small in most non-English languages. This will be fixed in the next Dev channel update. (Issue 12309).
Version Changes:
  • WebKit - 531.0
  • V8 -
  • Gears -
The release notes are available as well as a detailed list of all revisions.

You can find out about getting on the Dev channel here:

If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at

Anthony Laforge
Technical Program Manager

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