Friday, May 29, 2009

5/30 Top Rated

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Yoga Time!
May 29, 2009 at 2:19 pm to request words to release some stress :-)
Views: 314
2015 ratings
Time: 01:52 More in Comedy

Fat guy drives motorbike into trailer! (5/28/09-85)
May 29, 2009 at 12:38 pm

I always ask you guys to follow me on Twitter right here. Instead today I want you to punch yourself in the face! That way tomorrow you will be happy to see me asking you to follow me on twitter again.
Views: 3800
2529 ratings
Time: 05:41 More in Entertainment

Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 30)
May 29, 2009 at 3:57 am

Following Casey Luskins flapping on the video Challenging the Discovery Institute to Discover, Luskin has earned himself the honor of being the subject of Why do people laugh at creationists Part 30. The Discovery Institute has all but abandoned intelligent design (the rebranding of creationism- see video) as a lost cause, they even go on record saying they dont think it should be taught in schools! They initially set up a peer review journal of their own (Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design) but abandoned it after they got called out on the lineage of intelligent design to creationism. Luskin helped set up intelligent design and evolution awareness clubs, but stated that the management believed the designer was the God of the Bible, and then happily goes on camera and states that intelligent design has nothing to do with religion, despite all the diagrams he has connecting the two on the IDEA webpage. What really astounds me about these guys is they have utterly lost, and yet they dont have the dignity to accept that they were wrong graciously. Instead all you get is a bunch of bitter misfits doing their best to sow disinformation and throw as much mud as possible but for what gain? All I see is a bunch of jerks committing spiteful intellectual vandalism for their personal gratification. Really what do these people hope to gain by pretending there is controversy where none exists?
Views: 19496
4486 ratings
Time: 09:57 More in Education

May 29, 2009 at 1:10 am

This is a bit different ... and don't be to harsh, it's the first time I try to rhyme in English. And sorry for the spelling error I'll try to correct them with annotations :/
Views: 4163
1490 ratings
Time: 03:04 More in People & Blogs

Baby Thrown at Cop.
May 28, 2009 at 11:13 pm

A story about a lady that was caught shoplifting so she used a baby that wasn't hers as a weapon. Enjoy. Read Story At:
Views: 19168
2237 ratings
Time: 02:37 More in Comedy

How to Kiss: Gradual Practice Tips
May 28, 2009 at 9:07 pm

A step by step guid on how to kiss. Twitter: BlogTV: Facebook: Ddiary09: Contact me:
Views: 7252
1414 ratings
Time: 03:45 More in Entertainment

DeFranco Messes w/ Texas!!! Oh and the Pre-Phoenix Meetup
May 28, 2009 at 8:41 pm

To get a ticket to the game next to us, we reserved a small group of tickets (Limited Supply, First come, First Serve): (NOTE: We have maxed out our tickets, but we may have a few extras if you show up with cash) The PHX Meet is at Chase Field at 5pm and the game starts at 6:40pm. (You can hang out until 6:30 which is when we'll go in to the game) We have to purchase the tickets in advance, so print out and bring your paypal receipt/confirmation, and we'll have your ticket there tomorrow.
Views: 26136
1997 ratings
Time: 03:06 More in Entertainment

Julian Smith - Semi Final 4 - Britains Got Talent 2009 (HQ)
May 28, 2009 at 8:21 pm

Julian Smith performs on the fourth live semi-final of Britains Got Talent 2009.
Views: 85399
1658 ratings
Time: 04:53 More in Entertainment

Couch Potato!
May 28, 2009 at 8:04 pm

Know that old saying "Watching a lot of T.V. will make you a couch potato"? Well, it's true. Follow me: Kyle- Mike-
Views: 51382
4610 ratings
Time: 03:28 More in Comedy

2 Grand - Semi Final 4 - Britains Got Talent 2009 (HQ)
May 28, 2009 at 8:02 pm

2 Grand perform on the fourth live semi-final of Britains Got Talent 2009.
Views: 115471
1753 ratings
Time: 05:37 More in Entertainment

Watch Terminator Salvation Online Part 1-10
May 28, 2009 at 7:25 pm
Views: 270
1538 ratings
Time: 04:01 More in Entertainment

Jesus In My School
May 28, 2009 at 6:27 pm

Jesus in my classroom: Teaching Creationism in the Schools. • • Proving ID = Creationism in disguise. NCSE's staff worked behind the scenes in the archives to find the missing links tying "intelligent design" to its creationist ancestry. When creationism flares up in the United States, the NCSE is there to put out the fires. The National Center for Science Education defends the teaching of evolution in the public schools. The NCSE is a nationally-recognized clearinghouse for information and advice to keep evolution in the science classroom and "scientific creationism" out. Subscribe to Science & Reason: • • • • • • • The National Center for Science Education (NCSE) is a not-for-profit, membership organization providing information and resources for schools, parents and concerned citizens working to keep evolution in public school science education. The NCSE educates the press and public about the scientific, educational, and legal aspects of the creation and evolution controversy, and supplies needed information and advice to defend good science education at local, state, and national levels. The 4000 NCSE members are scientists, teachers, clergy, and citizens with diverse religious affiliations. .
Views: 4697
1462 ratings
Time: 04:36 More in Education

The Secret
May 28, 2009 at 5:53 pm

DOING IT BECAUSE I LOVE OWL CITY! "lavacity" is the coupon code that you type in at the check out (scroll down to find it)
Views: 61354
2080 ratings
Time: 01:20 More in People & Blogs

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