Friday, May 29, 2009

Newsletter: Learn to think like a designer

A message from Fine Gardening magazine.
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    May 29, 2009
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Hello, Tim!

Are you good at identifying plants? Did a strange plant pop up in your garden? If yes, then you'll love our new plant ID gallery. — Kate Frank, Web editor

How to Reduce Maintenance

Maintaining a beautiful border doesn't have to be a full-time job. In this article, Sydney Eddison shares some time-saving tips that can make your garden easier to care for. Read More...
Learn to Think Like a Designer

Do you suffer from "One-Of-Each-itis"? Don't worry—it afflicts most gardeners at one time or another. Here's how to create themes in your garden beds. Read More...
Grouping Containers

Container groupings are an ideal solution for many problem areas. Here's how author and designer Steve Silk has adapted his thriller, filler, and spiller recipe for container clusters.
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More Reading

Can You ID This Plant?
Test your plant IQ and help other gardeners

Bringing Back Bees
Bees make much of our produce possible

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