Friday, May 22, 2009

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Website Ranking Analysis
May 22, 2009 at 7:00 pm

Does anyone have recommendations on the best companies that analyzes website ranking efficiency and troubleshooting?

I have tried sitemaps, google base and restructing meta tags and verify tags.

Question from mick_adamslam in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

Image display in universal search
May 22, 2009 at 6:51 pm

I notice that the news results can allow a story/article to have an image/photo display to the left hand side of the article.
For example:  type Paris Hilton into a universal search.

How can I get an image to appear next to my search results?
Does it have to be news?
Which feature do I use?

Question from Aussiechick in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

No replies yet

May 22, 2009 at 6:50 pm

We all know about Google Chrome...
Why does Google feel the dire need to show a huge graphic box in the upper right hand corner on telling me to upgrade to Chrome? Please remove the advertisements for Chrome on the homepage. I'm happy with the browser of my own choice. So quit asking!!

Question from Dustyn in Webmaster - Sitemaps

1 reply

May 22, 2009 at 6:50 pm

We all know about Google Chrome...
Why does Google feel the dire need to show a huge graphic box in the upper right hand corner on telling me to upgrade to Chrome? Please remove the advertisements for Chrome on the homepage. I'm happy with the browser of my own choice. So quit asking!!

Question from Dustyn in Webmaster - Sitemaps

1 reply

May 22, 2009 at 6:50 pm

We all know about Google Chrome...
Why does Google feel the dire need to show a huge graphic box in the upper right hand corner on telling me to upgrade to Chrome? Please remove the advertisements for Chrome on the homepage. I'm happy with the browser of my own choice. So quit asking!!

Question from Dustyn in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

How do I know if my site is in good standing
May 22, 2009 at 6:18 pm

How can I validat if my website is in good standing with Google?  I am new to SEO and I am have been working hard to index my site and creat back links.
I received an email from the google about Page ranking that I did not fully understand.  Where can I go for additional help?
My website is Onesource The Online Mall

Question from Onesource in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

Answered (3 replies)

How can I contact google and ask them to stop listing particular sites
May 22, 2009 at 5:54 pm

The sites in question break a multitude of rules and regulation under EC directives, E Commerce regulations, OFT and ASA regulations and are misleading and causing confusion for consumers and affecting other businesses, there are also multiple map listings which are incorrect, therefore showing 3 locations, when there is only one location

Question from junebrown in Webmaster - Sitemaps

6 replies

Removing page that isn't mine?
May 22, 2009 at 5:39 pm

The name of a friend of mine is appearing in search results that includes adult content and appears to be spamming Google's search results. I have contacted the webmaster for the site but have been unsuccessful in having it modified. I used the webpage removal request tool to report the page as using my friend's name on an adult website that is spamming Google. When I did so, it didn't appear in my removal request list but gave me a message that said I would be emailed about it. I received an automated email confirming that Google had received my request, and also saying that I would be getting another email "shortly." I have not heard back at all, and the page still appears in Google's search results.

Is it acceptable for me to be doing this on my friend's behalf, or should I have her create an account and do it herself?
Why haven't I heard back about the page? Even if my request has been denied, I would like to know that and the reason why.
Is there something else I can do to have the page removed?

Secondly, I also asked for another page to be removed because it no longer contains her name. In the removal request tool, this page is listed as "Removed" but it still appears in Google search results, but no longer with a short description below the page title/link. I am under the impression that this page will be gone from Google's search results the next time Google crawls the page. Is this true? I've also noticed (using the view options on the search results) that the page hasn't been crawled in over a year. Will it be crawled again soon?

Question from jbeach572 in Webmaster - Chit-chat

2 replies

Canonicalization which option over rides the other?
May 22, 2009 at 5:26 pm

Canonicalization which option over rides the other?  Site map, canonicalization in the head of the page, or Google webmaster tools preference?

Example you have:

<link rel="canonical" href=""/> in the head, in the sitemap, and www. speicified in Google webmaster tools which of those options over rides the settings if any?

As you can see by the example above Google needs to make a decision as to which of the 3 options to pick.

I've noticed that a site of mine has  "2 sites by this GAnalytics ID" meaning there's possibly some over error. How does one check that with out. I'm not about to pay for SpyAd for my own site.
If you put ,and in the site map you get dinged for redundant information in Google Webmaster tools so I've of course removed one ... this could be theoretically be perceived as a bug.

Question from CB6 in Webmaster - Verification

No replies yet

xml not read by googlebot?
May 22, 2009 at 5:25 pm

Here is the question:
I believe Google is not indexing MOST pages because it can not see my xml query that shows on my html pages.  Is there a place where I may read about how to form my xml so the search bots can see the results?

My site has only 165 out of 722 pages indexed.

The keywords the site ranks #1 for are NOT keywords I'm interested in, they are not in my title or heading tags, just repeated words in an advertisement on the right side of the page.

The keywords I AM interested in ranking for are "work at home."  That's it.  And the site does not rank at all for those words.  Virtually all pages have the phrase "work at home" in the title tag and the heading tags.  The site is about nothing but work at home in some form or fashion.  The site definitely looks and feels better and also provides more information than any of the sites that rank on google's first organic search page.

The site has been out there since December 2007.

The site is located at

Question from Lauri00001 in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

Google isn't Caching my Site
May 22, 2009 at 5:23 pm

I am working on

Google isn't caching the site. I need some serious advice. I am trying to help a client out but not sure what the problem is. I need his site to move up more in the rankings so people will visit his site.

Question from floridartist in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

4% of 20 million URLs indexed
May 22, 2009 at 4:45 pm

At Redfin we've got 20 million URLs in our sitemap index, but according to Google Webmaster Central, only 800K Redfin URLs are indexed; just 4%.

In detail, we have three kinds of sitemaps in our index:

• active real estate listings for sale [~500K URLs, priority=0.8]
• region pages (~75K URLs, priority=0.9)
• off-market homes [the other 19M URLs, priority = 0.02], for which we display county property data.

We're aware that there's no guarantee that Google will index our entire sitemap.  However, we'd really like to have all 500K of our active listings indexed; today only 250K of those listings are indexed according to GWC.

We would particularly like active listings to be indexed in preference to off-market properties -- listings are much more interesting to users, and they're the small minority.  However, despite setting the priority for listings much higher in our sitemap, we still see Google indexing many properties, but not all listings.

Normally the advise here is to just wait, but we've been waiting for more than a year; it's not getting any better.

Is there something we can do on our end that would fix this, or just increase the number of indexed URLs overall?

• Is Google ignoring our sitemap priorities for some reason?  (GWC warns us that our sub-sitemaps all have the same priority, but according to JohnMu we "shouldn't worry about it" )
• We always strive to build a popular site that people want to talk about.  Will more inbound links increase the number of URLs Google will index?  Does it matter if the links are pointing to our homepage, vs. pointing to the individual URLs?
• Is 800K URLs indexed (4%) simply the natural limit for a site with 20M URLs?
• What about our internal links / site structure?  Is there something more we can do there to make Google realize the importance of listings over properties?

Question from dfabulich in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

my To Do List , is gone
May 22, 2009 at 4:41 pm

on my igoogle page, (which shud be easier to access)
my to do list has dissappeared.
i kpet stuff on that list i wanted to see on my trip... :(
my gmail was performing poorly on my vacation as well.
(mainly at the same time i was in DC for the IMF protests apr 26,
kinda makes me paranoid yall have given up to the USA govt like in china.)
or maybe u were just hacked? (by whom?)!

i wud love a response,

Question from commonterry in Webmaster - Malware & hacked sites

2 replies

How do I add a sitemap? I have a blogspot blog. My blog dissapeared from Google after two days of successful ranking
May 22, 2009 at 4:37 pm

I am brand new to blogging, (as you can tell), and I've tried to add a sitemap to help Google index my site but I can't figure it out. My blog was listed in Google search for two days after I verified it, and now it is gone. I know it is a new blog and will not be listed immediately, but it just disappeared. The only error I see is that I need a sitemap and better indexing. I thought I'd start with the sitemap, can you help me understand how to do that?

Question from sarabayles in Webmaster - Sitemaps

1 reply

Webpage disappeared from search results - switched to an ASP server?
May 22, 2009 at 4:33 pm

A site that I am project managing has vanished for the searchable term "Canaglobe Compliance" which is the company's name and where it used to place 1st. Recently it was switched over to an  ASP supporting server at the clients request, could this be the cause? When I run Webmaster Tools, it doesn't find any errors. The website is The programmer suspects the server, but I am not sure and don't want to move the site until I know what the problem is.

Anyone point me in the right direction?

Question from dboychuk in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

Verification using Website tonight
May 22, 2009 at 4:14 pm

Hello all,
I am unable to verify site ownerrship via metatag using website tonight. All seems to be in order as far as placement goes still verify fails.
Any suggestions most appreciated.

    <meta name="ROBOTS" content="INDEX, FOLLOW, ARCHIVE"/>
    <meta name="verify-v1" content="<meta name=verify-v1 content=8OyZCTrjDl4FCSpHJVgMR/bN3So3YyZvOXVdVxfMack= >"/>
    <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="351F9C24D771FD4E3DAB21C71EED3BBE"/>

    <meta name="generator" content="Starfield Technologies; WebSite Tonight v4.7.1"/>
    <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8' />
<script type='text/javascript' src='scripts/imageSwap.js?1671138011'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>


<script type='text/javascript' src='scripts/siteUtil.js?1671138011'></script>

    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' id='layout7.css' href='layout7.css?1671138011' />
    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' id='theme.css' href='theme.css?1671138011' />
    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' id='color_3.css' href='color_3.css?1671138011' />
    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' id='custom.css' href='custom.css?1671138011' />

Question from k9pov in Webmaster - Verification

Answered (8 replies)

Server timeout
May 22, 2009 at 4:08 pm

i cannot seem to get my sites verified - receive the same message for both: We were unable to verify your file due to a server timeout.

They're on the same server (less than a year old) and I've had no performance issues for either.

Any troubleshooting tips?


Question from nrhrehab in Webmaster - Verification

1 reply

My site is not listed in google search why?
May 22, 2009 at 4:06 pm

I have verified all my sites,But it does not shown in google search why,Please help me to sort this sooner??/

Question from dziners4web in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

1 reply

Sitemap Protocol - 0 URL Indexed
May 22, 2009 at 4:03 pm


I have 3 websites each respective sitemap.  I am struggling with one of them as when I submit the sitemap, it confirms to have been downloaded and 0 URL out of 38 URL have been indexed. I check it against my "proven"sitemaps and can't figure out what is wrong. Am I to much in a hurry and need just to be patient? I have waited 2-3 days though. THe sitemap is located at


Question from cperon4 in Webmaster - Sitemaps

2 replies

Where did my indexed pagse go?
May 22, 2009 at 4:02 pm

when i added a sitemap google index every page of my site.

Now all that is in the SERPS is my homepage. Why did the other pages go away?

Question from HOCKMASM in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

5 replies

Only 1 page is left in the SERPS
May 22, 2009 at 4:00 pm

when i added a sitemap google index every page of my site.

Now all that is in the SERPS is my homepage. Why did the other pages go away?

Question from HOCKMASM in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

I Rank #10 but don't get hits!
May 22, 2009 at 3:58 pm

For one keyphrase I rank #10

Google Keyword tool says it gets 1,000 hits in April and 480 global.

How come I have not gotten any hits on my site? My titles and description in the SERPS has the term.

Question from HOCKMASM in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

3 replies

My site is listed as 'suspicious' - how do I get this removed?
May 22, 2009 at 3:38 pm

From the messages posted here it seems that I have gotten rid of the malware. I had a review today and the last time that suspicious activity was found was days ago. Still here is what appears if you try to access my site  How do I get this removed and/or resolved.

Question from gravel50 in Webmaster - Malware & hacked sites

Answered (4 replies)

Is Spam based on IP or Domain (Shared Hosting with 1400 other sites)
May 22, 2009 at 3:26 pm


I'm just curious if I should be pointing my clients at shared hosting with or with out a dedicated IP. I keep seeing that Google spam filtering is also based on IP not just domain so if my host has 1400 other sites then should i be giving my clients a dedicated IP for their hosting? Are people being punished for other domains on the same IP/Server that they're not even aware of?  Should I be looking for dedicated IP for all my clients? I was under the impression that filtering was exclusively done by domain.

Question from CB6 in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

11 replies

If I use robots.txt to block images directory, will images still rank in image search?
May 22, 2009 at 3:23 pm

I have a blocked image directory, which I'm now thinking might be a dumb idea.  However, when searching for my images I do find a handful of them (and the URL is in that blocked directory).

My question -
Does blocking the directory stop Google from showing the images in image search?

Question from beej44 in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

I need help with my web site in Google SEO
May 22, 2009 at 3:16 pm

I have a few questions on the Help Forum message board.  In a nutshell, I just want to know how to get my page listed with my links to my page (I have several pages off the main page, like Audio, Games, etc.) when I do a Google Search.  It shows something I do not want, and that has changed (the change is not shown) ... the Contact Us page is showing and I do not want it to.  I encoded HTML on the page (Contact Us) for it not to be crawled and indexed, but it still shows when I type in GoldStar Affiliate.  I just want the Main page to show (the index page) for GoldStar Affiliate, the "Similar Pages" (the pages I have on my site, linked to the index page), and the keywords and descriptions I have recently added.  Do I really need Sitemaps, or will the search engine crawl and index all the pages and put them to "Similar Pages"?  I have resubmitted my site.  I hope this will not cause problems.  How long does Google take to show my web site the way I have updated it?  I would like to start advertising my site, but the Contact Us page shows something that is not accurate and has been changed and I do not want it to show that anymore, it is imperative to my business.
WilliamsRay  URL is

Question from WilliamsRay in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

Drop in SERP position - need some advice please?
May 22, 2009 at 2:49 pm

I am looking for some advice to help me try to understand why my website has recently (21st May) suffered a drop in Google SERPS.  The site has been number 1 and 2 for various search terms such as "sat nav hire" and "sat nav rental" for at least the past year and whilst the site was re-designed about 10 months ago there have been no major changes since. 

The site is around 3 years old, it's still listed in Google, has the same page rank, same back links and there's no messages from Google in my webmasters account but the site is now 5 or 6 pages into the SERPS and I don't even have a first page show when searching for "cheapsatnavhire" (although it shows when searching for

Can anyone please offer some advice on why the site has just dropped to such a low position, it feels like a penalty has been applied but who knows?

Question from Wilfy in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

in my web search I find 3 results for my website I think my request for removal was a mistake. Help fix this problem..
May 22, 2009 at 2:49 pm

In my search for I got 3 results one shows a 404 page not found while another shows my new website I can't seem to eliminate the one useless result???? I've tried all I know remove or hide it only to find on the next search that it is re-posted??? What can I do to fix this issue? I do not know how or who to contact to resolve this. I put in a request for removal only I think all my domains sites may be removed, the 90 day wait period would hamper my web page visibility

Question from mirko chandler in Webmaster - Verification

No replies yet

Google has not removed "This site may harm your computer" after several requests. How long does this take?
May 22, 2009 at 2:47 pm

I have submitted my site for revision several times now and every time it says it is clear of any malware ect..
It has been a month now and the link under my business name is still there.  I have lost all business because of this.  How long does it take to be removed???  I spoke with "Customer Service" they said the system is automated and may take some time.  My business is in the hands of an automated system now?  Please help so I dont have to close this business.

Question from OfcHarris in Webmaster - Malware & hacked sites

1 reply

My name and details about me have been posted on a site
May 22, 2009 at 2:45 pm

They have been removed by the vile owners but for some reason it keeps showing up in google cache, can you please tell me what I need to do to have it removed?

It is a really nasty defamatory comment and I suspect the webmaster of the page is doing everything possible to keep it in the cache but I am desperate please help!

Question from hannah2009 in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

Alt text for images containing text?
May 22, 2009 at 1:12 pm

I want to display some text in a font that's not supported by the browser. The only way to do it, as far as I know, is to show the text as an image. I still want Google to be able to index this text. However, I read in several posts that Google ignores the Alt text on IMG tags since it's being used extensively for spamming. Is it true? I don't want to spam, I want the Alt text to be identical to the text contained in the image.

Question from Amiram in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

No replies yet

Is there a way to request removal of court ordered cease of libel / slander in Google's Index?
May 22, 2009 at 1:07 pm

So I have a client who has a court order for a individual to cease spreading slander and libelous claims.

Is there a way for Google to help by not allowing certain websites or certain content from being shown for certain search terms, due to this court order?

The slanderous person also uses blogspot (a Google property) to spread the slander. be nice to get that account on blogspot punished.

I was hoping to use the Cyberbullying Bill or the Digital Millennium Copyright act to help fuel this.

Please help.

Question from Bart Gibby in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

No replies yet

Multiple Domains
May 22, 2009 at 1:01 pm

I own 6 domains that all point to the same site. Should I list them all on the Dashboard page? Currently I only have the one I use to promote the site listed. Thank you,

Question from AliceGray3 in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

No replies yet

Why does my google ranking change so drastically?
May 22, 2009 at 12:55 pm

When I do a search for Cedar Park Chiropractor, my listing will sometimes come up on page 1, but then an hour later get pushed to page 4 or 5....Meanwhile my main competition's search ranking is firmly rooted at number 1 on page 1 (not to mention huge google map that is next to his listing).

Can anyone please help me understand why my ranking gets knocked around so much (even if I don't make a single change to my website)? I've tried to include a ton of relevant keywords, research topics, company info, etc...

I'm new at this, so any help would be great!! My site is

Question from Fit4LifeCenter in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

No replies yet

Why does my google ranking change so drastically?
May 22, 2009 at 12:55 pm

When I do a search for Cedar Park Chiropractor, for example, my listing will sometimes come up on page 1, but then an hour later get pushed to page 4 or 5....Meanwhile my main competition's search ranking is firmly rooted at number 1 on page 1 (not to mention huge google map that is next to his listing).

Can anyone please help me understand why my ranking gets knocked around so much (even if I don't make a single change to my website)? I've tried to include a ton of relevant keywords, research topics, company info, etc...

I'm new at this, so any help would be great!! My site is

Question from Fit4LifeCenter in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

Why does my google ranking change so drastically?
May 22, 2009 at 12:54 pm

When I do a search for Cedar Park Chiropractor, my listing will sometimes come up on page 1, but then an hour later get pushed to page 4 or 5....Meanwhile my main competition's search ranking is firmly rooted at number 1 on page 1 (not to mention huge google map that is next to his listing).

Can anyone please help me understand why my ranking gets knocked around so much (even if I don't make a single change to my website)? I've tried to include a ton of relevant keywords, research topics, company info, etc...

I'm new at this, so any help would be great!! My site is

Question from Fit4LifeCenter in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

3 replies

Why is the header information for my website being displayed as seemingly random symbols in Google's search results?
May 22, 2009 at 12:49 pm

Does it have something to do with using UTF-8?  This seems to be necessary for some of the characters being used on the site.

Question from JDL in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

Site ranking for keywords
May 22, 2009 at 12:46 pm

Alright, if there was a google api available to determine the positioning of a site for a specific keyword. We are currently wanting to develop our site growth, if any, on a daily basis. Any apis to help us out with that?

Question from ireelrocks in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

No replies yet

Site Indexing Problems
May 22, 2009 at 12:46 pm


In February I did a 301 redirect of my account domains my 140 blogs. And  nothing ever changed with traffic of indexing.  Question: I have 301 redirected  to  Should I also have a redirect of to also in my setup additionally?

If i typed in the google search bar: - the forwarded to site name would show up.- though when you type that domain key word in Google my site wasnt showing up at all on most of my entire site.

Examples of my 301 redirects:

WMT is also showing that Googlebot has successfully accessed your home page in many of my accounts 301 redirects. Examples:

I had 140 blogs (blogger) all setup with city name + real estate and I was not linking them together nor was I linked to any other sites - link farm, scheme. And I was not showing  up in search along with the 301 redirected domains to my sites - those keywords were nowhere to be found in index.  Also all the 140 blog post titles I left out the webiste city name + real estate  due to I read that it would dilute the other keywords. So instead of title "show low real estate brokers" - the blog post title was: "brokers"

Exampes of my sites not showing up at all:

Though I must ad some sites of my had no problems in the index:

Only recently did I add an about me + advertise on my site page on each - and was showing up on copyscape as duplicate content.

 I found out my had been copied and a major SEO company who has thousands of real estate sites was showing up in search with my copied content, instead of me. This is the thread with his domain mentioned:  
On one of the Google blogs I did leave a reply to Susan M and gave the link that copied and took over my blog.

I think seo/real estate site company has taken over all my sites - they are all real estate and thats the guys business.  

Recent changes this week  - with the my  (hijacked) site  taken over by an SEO company and the duplicate content I quickly just 301 redirected all the 140 real estate blogs to just one. I added to all the blog posts the city/ state name due to otherwise I would have 140 blog posts titled "broker" on the new site.

In my account I now have 3 blogs: a local new site,  my city/real estate  site, and my personal business site. All are located on one google account. 

I also have all my domains verified in my WMT.

I appreciate any and all help.


Pete Kosednar

Question from Pete Kosednar in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

No replies yet

My File format is not supported
May 22, 2009 at 12:45 pm

could someone look at my blogs. When i submitte them they all wont get accepted because of unsupported file format.
ive tried working out exactly wats wrong my self. Is it the header or the microsoft word text.
But i norrmally remove as much of the HTML from MS word as i can.
I looked at the explaination over how to correct the header , and mine are completly diffrent.

The <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> bit is there and the same but the rest is diffrent.

I dont find the explaination on what you have to add to the header very clear on the help page.

could someone look and see if its the header thats the problem


and explain to me exactly what i should change clearlly for me.

I mean were it says that the header has to say Http: sitemap etc etc does that mean you really add the word sitemap or the url to your blog/ site? And the 09 at the end that you should have, i have nothing like that in my header.
Also if i change the header text, do i only change it in one place or more, because my header has a few bits under the xhtml area?

Also ifthats not the problem and it is a MS word problem i really dont like the idea of re doing everything in google docs or windows live write. And i think its time google and MS start being compatible with each other. ( just saying my option)

lisa biziou

Question from lisa biziou in Webmaster - Sitemaps

No replies yet

Removal from Index without webmaster tools
May 22, 2009 at 12:28 pm

Kind of an odd scenario, but here it goes...

I have old domain, say, and a new domain, is set up as a domain alias which 301 redirects to A few weeks ago, the 301 redirect dropped due to server configuration now, and are both indexed: same pages, content, etc. I have reinstated the 301 redirect.

The problem is that I cannot use webmaster tools to remove these pages from the index, as there is no actual "web space" to access. So therefore, I cannot upload verification or add a robots.txt.

I am very worried since our pagerank recently dropped to 0...and I'm rather certain that this played in to it.

Is there any other method available to get the site removed from the index?

Question from abwebdesign1 in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

No replies yet

Google indexing less and less content from our search engine
May 22, 2009 at 12:26 pm


We run a biomedical search engine at that has hundred of thousands of pages generated dynamically. We have put a sitemap so google could start indexing and it has been going well. However we have noticed that Google sent us the following message:

"Googlebot encountered extremely large numbers of links on your site. This may indicate a problem with your site's URL structure. Googlebot may unnecessarily be crawling a large number of distinct URLs that point to identical or similar content, (...)"

After verification we set up a new robots.txt to avoid distinct URL's to point to a same URL. So now Google is indexing less and less content (we were at 114.000 links and now it's 97.000).

Do we have to worry about that or it is just that Google is re-estimating our website?

Thanks for answers and opinons,


Question from valentinv in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

Reported Attack Site
May 22, 2009 at 12:15 pm

One of my sites - gives an attack site warning, but the warning is not for my domain:

This web site at has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

Why does it list blackporn1? I'v added the site to webmaster tools but is there any way of getting this solved quickly? Also it says 'reported', does that mean that someone actually reported the site as being unsafe, or does google do this automatically?

Question from slackhead in Webmaster - Malware & hacked sites

No replies yet

Page Rank is N/A
May 22, 2009 at 12:14 pm

OK now my pate rank says its N/A.  Is there a problem with hot Google sees my site?

Question from Onesource in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

I've Never done a SiteMap before... I am getting an "Unsupported File Format Error - see below...
May 22, 2009 at 12:05 pm

Unsupported file format
Your Sitemap does not appear to be in a supported format. Please ensure it meets our Sitemap guidelines and resubmit.
I re-read the guidelines but must have missed something. The URL is What am I missing?

Question from EdSchuler in Webmaster - Sitemaps

No replies yet

Google Indexing is being reduced Day by day
May 22, 2009 at 11:58 am

My site htttp:// have around 3200 pages indexed four week back and now each day it is beging reduced now it reached 312. We haven'e changed anything on site other than adding products. Can you help me to find out the basic reason for this?

Question from Jino in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

6 replies

Not appearing on Google searches
May 22, 2009 at 11:54 am


I am a complete leaner at this so sorry if thsi sounds really silly....

Pur company specialise in clinical waste management.  When I put this into Google our competitors come up but our page does not???

We are currently having our website re done but the old one is still up and running.

Do we need to subscribe to Google?  Or should we have done something else?

Any help will be much appreciated

Thanks in advance

Pinki :-) x

Question from Pinki x in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

how fix this error
May 22, 2009 at 11:42 am

Errors for URLs in Sitemaps
HTTP errors

Question from globusinfotech007 in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

No replies yet

Few of my optimized websites dont get ranked inspite of good and appropriate given keywords? Why is is so?
May 22, 2009 at 11:30 am

Question from Akanksha-SEO in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

Sitemap: unsupported file format
May 22, 2009 at 11:23 am

Re Sitemap submission.  I'm working on Microsoft Live Buiness and I keep getting the error 'unsupported file format'.  I've tried the google sitemap help and made a text file as it suggested but what do I do with it? I tried just uploading it to a page in my site but nothing.  Can you help please?

Many thanks

Question from jude99_ in Webmaster - Sitemaps

11 replies

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