Saturday, May 23, 2009

5/24 Google Help

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Google Help - Questions from Google Help Feed My Inbox

Google Street View -- Detroit, MI
May 23, 2009 at 6:38 pm

Google Street View is an amazing search site, and I can't tell you how I've enjoyed it.  However, despite so much of the nation being photographed in this manner, most of the City of Detroit and eastern suburbs seems to have been overlooked.....alas, no purple outlines on the streets.

Any idea when Google might continue 'mapping' the street views of the City of Detroit?

Question from RDown3657 in Webmaster - Sitemaps

1 reply

About subdirectories and duplicate content
May 23, 2009 at 6:00 pm

Hi everyone,
I am relatively new to SEO and I have a few questions.

1. Let us say I have a website with a primary domain and subdirectories and
Now when a person visits it takes the person to the page where it shows "choose location" UK or US
Clicking on UK takes the person to main page for UK which is  and every link clicked from there will take him to page he wants to visit) The same for a person opting for the US page.
Now the issue is even though the page is targeting US and UK there is a lot of duplicate content for both pages like for example company details, product details etc. and everything is shown under either or
What I mean is the primary domain stops serving its purpose as soon as the person chooses the location and from then on it is either or
Let me make it more clear: If a person visits the "about us" page for the company details it will take him to either Or There is no page like . It is either
Only in the case of certain products there is a marked difference in the product brands but otherwise the product categories are same.
So this means except for one or two product brands all other pages such as description of product categories, company details etc are the same. This means that and has pages with almost same content and similar Title meta tags.
I would like to know:
1. Whether Google will treat this as duplicate content and thus have a negative effect on the SEO or since it is and will this be treated as different and not penalized?
2. If in case it is treated as duplicate, will it be good to mention in the title metatag as UK or US depending on the pages, along with the keywords  so that the search engine understands as one is for UK and the other is for US and thus treats it as not duplicate content?
3.Are and subdirectories or are they just an extension of the primary domain and thus not different from each other?
4.How do one check whether they are subdirectories or not?
5. If I break them into subdomains ( OR  will it be better and make any difference and treated as separate contents as the UK and US pages will have different IP addresses? If so will the already established PR for these pages go down and will have to start all over again?
I know this is a long question but I thought of treating this as a case study as I had come across such websites and was wondering about the SEO aspect and thought of getting your ideas.

Question from Vizz in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

My Site's URL's Are Changing, How Do I Change Them and Not be Penalized
May 23, 2009 at 5:25 pm

I have a very large site and it's become necessary to upgrade my site to a new version of the Joomla CMS.

I currently have about 40,000 URL's in the Google Search index.

I am going to have to change the name of all my pages with the exception of my home page due to my old SEF URL software isn't compatible with my new version of Joomla.

What I would like to know is how I need to handle this change in terms of not losing my Google Search placements.

For example

I have a page now called

I need to change that to

How do I tell Google about these changes? Will this simply be solved by submitting a new sitemap with all the new URL's or does something also need to be done to reference the old URL's.

Any help would be appreciated.

Question from THESPREAD in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies malware
May 23, 2009 at 5:14 pm

My website was market today as mallware. I have taken all steps to identify and remove the malware, witch is seems it was I have also changed passwords and took all measures in my power to prevent getting infected again. I have already requested a review from webmaster tools around 4 hours ago. I know the process should ussualy take around 24h as i have read, but is there any way for me 100% sure that malware is not still present on the website, like an online check tool?

thank you,

Question from Dragos M. in Webmaster - Malware & hacked sites

1 reply

How can i remove links that dont exist any more
May 23, 2009 at 4:46 pm

i changed my web site and still google show old links with error 404.  i tried to remove manually ono by one but still google show them on the crawl report with error..      how i can fix it.....thanks

Question from jaimelieb in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

verification conundrun
May 23, 2009 at 4:11 pm

Mt site -- -- is hosted by the Authors Guild. I can't get into the infratructure of th site to add the url or metatags Google requires to verify the site, and adding them within a text block doesn't work. The host techs say they can't do anything about it for security reasons. Is there another way I can verify my site?

Question from smartelle in Webmaster - Verification

1 reply

Does the help in ranking?
May 23, 2009 at 3:48 pm

I have noticed a couple of sites who rank better than I do in the searches have this code included in the "head" part of their html. Is this another trick to get a better listing or is there something to doing this?  Is it correct and if not, will this get penalized? What is the purpose for adding this to the header?

Any answer is appreciated.

Question from justsandy in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

Does the help in ranking?
May 23, 2009 at 3:47 pm

I have noticed a couple of sites who rank better than I do in the searches have this code included in the "head" part of their html. Is this another trick to get a better listing or is there something to doing this?  Is it correct and if not, will this get penalized? What is the purpose for adding this to the header?

Any answer is appreciated.

Question from justsandy in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

If google has indexed pages which you've later deleted from your site, how do you get them deleted from google?
May 23, 2009 at 3:23 pm

In Webmaster tools, I've got several pages which I've deleted from the server but they show up on my Overview as "Not found".  Would like to delete - how do I do?

Question from bnbdesigns in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

1 reply

how can i remove a search result which doesnt come in yahoo but appears in google !!
May 23, 2009 at 3:10 pm

Hi guys,

I have a search result which appears in google but doesnt appear in yahoo. i want it not to appear in google as well as the URL leads to some information that the person does not intended to release. Please help ASAP. PLEASE.

Question from solid_snake in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

1 reply

How do i get my site indexed in google?
May 23, 2009 at 3:09 pm

Have a look if you like:

Question from tolyott in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

Google is giving the same info
May 23, 2009 at 3:08 pm

Google is still providing the same info for my web site ... I have long since corrected this, but the corrections do not show on the net when I type the words GoldStar Affiliate in the search engine.  It is showing the Contact Us page, but I placed a robot text file to not index that page.  When exactly does the search engine reflect those changes?
Williams Ray

Question from WilliamsRay in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

external links
May 23, 2009 at 3:03 pm

Yahoo shows 974 back links to my site from 155 domains.  Google no longer shows any links to my site from the webmaster tools.  Whats up with that?
my website is

Question from Onesource in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

Answered (2 replies)

Malware warning on site - no option to reverify
May 23, 2009 at 2:42 pm


When I browse to I get the malware warning. I've wiped the site and reuploaded it from my original files and have requested a password change from the host but I don't have an option in webmaster tools to request a review to remove the malware warning - it doesn't warn about malware as it has done before. The site is verified. also says the site is currently clean but reports that there was malware there the last time google visited (so surely that means it's not clean??).

Any ideas?


Question from Teatime007 in Webmaster - Malware & hacked sites

12 replies

May 23, 2009 at 2:41 pm

Ok I'm confused. I'm getting this message
URLs not accessible
When we tested a sample of the URLs from your Sitemap, we found that some URLs were not accessible to Googlebot due to an HTTP status error. All accessible URLs will still be submitted. Help Help
HTTP Error: Problem detected on: 404 (Not found) Help Help
May 22, 2009

The weird thing is that when I click the link from the warning I get a 404 error but when I go to the site, the pages are all there. This is the first time I've used a Sitemap so I'm not sure what is going on. I have a degree in Graphic Design but they don't teach this stuff in college =(

Thanks in advance

Question from olemissdixiegirl in Webmaster - Sitemaps

1 reply

Making money with Google (need to know if they really pay for posting links.
May 23, 2009 at 2:31 pm

How do people get started posting links with Google to make money?

Question from jboynton in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

3 replies

Home page not showing up in Google Analyatics - - why? How to fix?
May 23, 2009 at 2:29 pm

Question from LWN in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

Answered (2 replies)

Site indexed, but all pages stopped appearing in Google at the beggining of May
May 23, 2009 at 1:26 pm displays around 376 pages index.  However, we used to rank for term on the first page (i.e. beer pong supplies), but ever since May we cannot be found anywhere in Google.  Even our own domain name yields results for technoriati or digg, but not our website.  We havent done anything to warrent a blacklisting, so how do we determine if we've been blacklisted or is this a server issue?

Also, the webmaster tool says my sitemap URL timeout: HTTP request timeout
We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit.

My hosting company in not very responsive, so I dont know if it is something on their end.

Question from drinknird in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

3 replies

Which site should I post to the Webmaster Dashboard
May 23, 2009 at 1:20 pm

I set up a website at  and redirected the URL to according to the instructions on Google Sites Help.
Which site should I add to the Dashboard?
1. Only the site?
2. Only the site?
3. Or both sites?
If the answer is both sites, I presume I should verify and submit a Sitemap for both sites?
I do not want to run into trouble with duplicate sites.
Many thanks!

Question from Elejere in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

1 reply

Block my blog!!!
May 23, 2009 at 1:16 pm

I deleted my blog. However, it can still be found and read through the cached page. Adding robots.txt in the header wont work since the blog has already been deleted. How can I permanently delete the blog from the web? 

Help is appreciated. Thanks!

Question from JayRev in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

Answered (1 reply)

My domain expired due to expired credit card on file...renewed it now, can't find myself anymore on this search!
May 23, 2009 at 1:14 pm

I used to be third in line on Google for CALGARY MURDER MYSTERIES, now I'm nowhere to be found.  Will I get back there or am I completely 'hooped'!!  This is my only form of advertising, and without it, I won't get anymore business!  Yikes!  Please help!!  20 years of business got me there, now I start at zero?  I can't even find myself on page 15!
The website was:  It's up and running again, but not in Google Search!!  ARGGHHHhhhhh!!!

Question from janlynne32 in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

Re keywords
May 23, 2009 at 1:11 pm

Since many of my keywords are repeated with the word software in it, like audio software, video software, etc. ... should I fix this?  Do I need to resubmit later (including other search engines I submitted to)?
WilliamsRay  URL

Question from WilliamsRay in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

No replies yet

Re keywords
May 23, 2009 at 1:10 pm

Since many of my keywords are repeated with the word software in it, like audio software, video software, etc. ... should I fix this?  Do I need to resubmit later (including other search engines I submitted to)?
WilliamsRay  URL

Question from WilliamsRay in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

No replies yet

a link from my site appears in the rankings rather that my index page
May 23, 2009 at 1:06 pm

Can anyone tell me how to get my index page to appear in the ranking rathers than my one of my other link pages, I think the problem happened when I first submitted my site to google and submitted a secondary url.
Can this be fixed?

Question from ianbell555 in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

3 replies

I have created and verified a site using Google Sites, but i can't find the code for creating htm sitemap
May 23, 2009 at 12:52 pm

Does any one know where sitemap generated code is found?

The verified option is ticked now i don't know what to do. I know I have to save the code and call it sitemap.htm and save it in the root. Then upload my site, then do some submit on google tools to submit further verification.

But where are the codes?

Question from Maisy in Webmaster - Sitemaps

1 reply

I have created and verified a site using Google Sites, but i can't find the code for creating htm sitemap
May 23, 2009 at 12:44 pm

Does any one know where it is found?

The verified option is ticked now i don't know what to do. I know I have to save the code and call it sitemap.htm and save it in the root. Then upload my site, then do some submit on google tools to submit further verification.

But where are the codes?

Question from Maisy in Webmaster - Chit-chat

1 reply

Our website has been replaced with backup and still reporting as infected
May 23, 2009 at 12:39 pm

Our website was hacked with martuz. We have subsequently cleaned it by finding out the attack date, and using a backup of the entire site from 10 days prior to attack.  We've also manually checked and there is not files that appear to be infected.  This includes checking it with PHP checked on unmaskparasites website/  However, the Google review says we are still infected, but does not give any additional detail about what files/directories are infected.

We are a small nonprofit in the midst of a fundraiser and this has decimated our campaign.  Can you please please provide any additional detail to help us get to the bottom of this? This is doing irreperable damage to our small arts organization.

Many thanks in advance for any help.

Question from proyectarte in Webmaster - Malware & hacked sites

2 replies

Duplicate content and indexing
May 23, 2009 at 12:31 pm

Hey guys, its over a month now and my website is still not indexed, I think this might be due to duplicate content. I have a few diferent ways of getting to the content of a page for example my psp release dates page, you can view it through all three urls below:


I am using e107 cms and a plugin called furl which rewrites urls to somthing more meaningful, this is why it is happening.
If i use <link rel="canonical" href="" /> in the head section of my pages would this sort my duplicate content problem, and help me get indexed by google?


Question from Darren123 in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

5 replies

Diagnostics- Content Analysis shows "No Data available at this Time" - HELP
May 23, 2009 at 12:31 pm

Hey there

This is the first time that this has happened- Content Analysis in Diagnostics indicates : No Data available at this time.

My site is definitely verified and has always shown the data until about a week ago. Any ideas/Help?


Question from Natalie B in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

3 replies

How do you change your theme in Gmail?
May 23, 2009 at 12:17 pm

I have changed the them on my iGoogle Home Page but can't find out how to change it on Gmail.

Question from drekryan in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

Answered (2 replies)

Removal requests still denied after fixing redirects
May 23, 2009 at 12:02 pm

I posted a few days ago about Google denying requests to remove my sites with alternate TLDs from search results. Before, my redirects were not done properly, and now my alternate domain names (e.g, danacomputing,biz) have 301 redirects to the main site (danacomputing,com). Once I confirmed the redirects were working properly, I submitted new requests in Webmaster tools to remove the alternate site names. However, the requests were all denied and it looks like the 'learn more' text is saying it's because robots.txt doesn't block the entire site.

There's only one robots.txt file for danacomputing,com and the alternate site names don't have one of their own. And I haven't found any way to block alternate urls in the robots.txt file. For example, you can't do something like  Disallow: *.biz/

Can someone tell me what to do here?  Thanks for your time!

Question from David Dana in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

1 reply

Robots.txt unreachable site not getting indexed
May 23, 2009 at 11:33 am

It has been over two weeks and I have been trying to get my site indexed, however webmaster tools reports that the URL is unreachable because they can't reach robots.txt. I thought the problem was because I didn't have a robots.txt file present in the root of my site, so I went ahead and uploaded one. However, this still hasn't fixed the issue.

I'm not exactly what the problem could be. When I first put the site up, my host was down for 3 days, could that have anything to do with it?

This has NEVER been a problem before with any of my other sites, they usually get indexed within a day or two. It's been over two weeks now. There are a decent amount of links that point towards too.

Question from ericroberts in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

Answered (5 replies)

May 23, 2009 at 11:13 am

I am seriously new to all this google adding website and I have really followed all the steps on how to...but still having problems. Its not easy for me I am not very google literate. I got as far as google wanting a sitemap..I did get the code but where am I suppose to place it on google?
Can someone help a lost crawler?
My url is

Question from sunnyup in Webmaster - Sitemaps

2 replies

May 23, 2009 at 11:10 am

I am seriously new to all this google adding website and I have really followed all the steps on how to...but still having problems. Its not easy for me I am not very google literate. I got as far as google wanting a sitemap..I did get the code but where am I suppose to place it on google?  

Can someone help a lost crawler?

Question from sunnyup in Webmaster - Sitemaps

No replies yet

Help! Replies 'Meta Tag Verification string incomplete'. URL
May 23, 2009 at 10:43 am

Question from Slatemynk in Webmaster - Verification

1 reply

What is the difference between Static site and Dynamic site?
May 23, 2009 at 10:26 am

I am confusing to identify the site weather static or dynamic site, could you pls any one reply to this mail id

Question from katam in Webmaster - Verification

1 reply

I've ranked solidly on the second page of Google now I'm so far back. Why?
May 23, 2009 at 10:24 am

My site has ranked solidly on the second page of Google for the term Philadelphia Web Design for many months. Now it's way back on page 4 and 5. Have I gotten a penalty? What's going on?


Question from goldsteinmedia in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

3 replies

My site has been hacked. where do you add te HTML and how do you do it? Also how do I upload a file to a Blogger blog?
May 23, 2009 at 10:07 am

My site has been hacked.  I don't understand how to add HTML or upload a file for verification.I get the unsafe warning when I open my blogger blog.  I am not tech-savvy, and don't understand how to add HTML or how to upload a file.  I always used the Blogger dashboard and customize tools to add any content.  Please help!!!!

Question from jimgerl in Webmaster - Verification

4 replies

"Malware notification regarding"
May 23, 2009 at 10:07 am

I am the website owner of sites and and
have checked my pages and can find no sign of hacking. Unfortunately Google won't verify either due to server timeout (I tried both Metatags and file upload methods). As far as I can see without verification, I can't ask for details of what 'malware' I am allegedly hosting or request a review. Please suggest what I can do.

(I have removed all scripts like hit counters etc, although they have been there for years and have no adverts)

Question from Dansnd in Webmaster - Malware & hacked sites

2 replies

My site is ranking so low still after over 6 mos. why?
May 23, 2009 at 9:39 am


My site has been up and running for about 6 mos and I've done a lot of work to try to get the ranking up and yet still not much success. I also paid for Google Adwords (it's been about 3-4mos) thinking that may help and it hasn't.  Any suggestions on what else i can do?


Question from mw4kids in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

7 replies

My site is ranking so low still after over 6 mos. why?
May 23, 2009 at 9:39 am


My site has been up and running for about 6 mos and I've done a lot of work to try to get the ranking up and yet still not much success. I also paid for Google Adwords (it's been about 3-4mos) thinking that may help and it hasn't.  Any suggestions on what else i can do?


Question from mw4kids in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

When I posted my blog, the date format registered time as 'AM' when it was evening. Why?
May 23, 2009 at 9:34 am

Question from avsaint in Webmaster - Verification

1 reply

can't access my blogspot blog in china. is it blocked or is there another problem?
May 23, 2009 at 8:49 am

for several days now my google blog appears to have been blocked or i'm having some other difficulty. i get the message below. i'm based in beijing. i notice that other google blog support pages get the same message - maybe blocked as well.
Connection Interrupted
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.
does anyone have any suggestions or know what's going on here?

Question from circa63 in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

1 reply

"This site may Harmful to your computer" on our website "" . So how can i remove it ? ?
May 23, 2009 at 8:41 am

I am site owner of this website " "
From yesterday onwards it's showing message that " this site
is harmful to your computer ". And
don't allow our site to open for our users.
when we have found this messgae we have, reset the account in our server, and put it under Quick Heal Virus scan, and then reupload
the account.
So, now we are very sure that there is no any virus/spam/Malicious item in our website.
Kindly provide solutions.

Question from Nri Gujarati in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

1 reply

Google Translate Problems
May 23, 2009 at 8:17 am

I have a Turkish PHP based website. Its encoding is windows-1254 and all the articles are writtenin Turkish. But when I make a search on (turkish google) next to the sites link, an another link says "Translate this page" . When you click it, a message says This website is translated to Turkish from English. That's nonsense. What is the problem and is anyone here knows the solution?
Meta : <meta name="language" content="turkish,tr" /> I tried
<html lang="tr"> I tried
<meta name="google" content="notranslate" /> I tried
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="tr" /> I tried
Google Webmaster tools country turkey
IP Location: Netherlands - Noord-holland - Amsterdam - Leaseweb

Question from TakeDown in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

Why my site had been De indexed?
May 23, 2009 at 8:05 am

i recently opened my e-commerce store and after verifying my site it was indexed but yesterday for no reason i can think of it was de indexed?? any one with any ideas why or how i can get it indexed again?? thanks for your help much appreciated.

Question from ineedthatbiz in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

2 replies

My index.php file lokks attacked:
May 23, 2009 at 7:56 am

Could somebody please suggest what it this doing in my index.php file: <iframe src="" width=12 height=12 style="visibility: hidden"></iframe>

This morning when I opened my site I received a malware warning! After prolonging checking I found this line in my index.php file. The strangest thing is that yesterday there was not any problem with my site and today is't completely gone from the search results! I hope this is the reason, I just have no idea how my site has been hacked !

Question from Vanyaalex in Webmaster - Malware & hacked sites

2 replies

Too many unreachable URLs reported in GWT
May 23, 2009 at 7:53 am

I have set up GWT for my site and since last month (Apr) I am getting more than 1000+ URLs as unreachable. When I access those URLs manually, all are working fine. I have observed one more thing that URLs are added into this unreachable list on daily basis, while some of the older reporeted URLs are removed from there. But count of unreachable URLs are not get down. What is the cause of this unreachable URLs? Please help me out. I have checked all the possible way but did not get any clue. Is this really a serious issue with site?

Thanks in advanced.

Question from bhavesh.gmi in Webmaster - Webmaster Tools

No replies yet

Google Site Geo Positioning
May 23, 2009 at 7:40 am

Our site is showing up in Google US search but not Google UK. It is a UK site, hosted in the UK, the domain lookup is UK, webmaster tools Geo set to UK, local search set to our address in Bournemouth (UK), we have also run an adwords campaign for Google UK... what am I doing wrong!? I feel like I must be missing something glaringly obvious. Has anybody any ideas?

Question from Chrisdjm in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

3 replies

Google started to crawling subdomains used for static assets
May 23, 2009 at 7:34 am


I've configured my application to use 4 subdomains for static assets, which actually point to the same IP/site., assets1... etc. Google started to showing assets subdomains in results so I had to do 301 redirect pointing to Unfortunately I can't just block application on this domains now cause they're already in index, so users can enter site from them...

I think that google is still crawling assets subdomains cause site: query shows more and more results. How to prevent google from crawling these subdomains and get rid off them in the index?

Question from Piotr Sarnacki in Webmaster - Crawling, indexing & ranking

9 replies

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